Review of the SerIoT project in Bilbao, Spain

IITiS is a coordinator of Horizon 2020 project " SerIoT - Secure and Safe Internet of Things " ( The scientific head of the project is prof. Erol Gelenbe from IITiS.

The project has just passed the review of the state of the project after half of its duration (Month 18). The review was held at the hospitable Tecnalia premises near Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, on the 12th of September. Representatives of all 15 partners in the consortium met with the reviewers and the project officer. The review was preceded by three days of technical preparations.

During the review the advancements of all work packages were presented. In addition to approximately 10 slide presentations, 6 live demonstrations were presented, showing the progress of each work package in connection with the Use Cases of the Seriot project.
While waiting for a written review, we can state that the comments of the reviewers presented during the meeting are of a technical and organisational nature. They are valuable, and their inclusion will allow us to raise the level of the project itself and more effectively present its results. However, none of the comments concerned the project objectives, methods and algorithms used and the implementation of key components of the SerIoT system. That is why we are already happy with our success and are starting the second phase of the SerIoT project with new motivation.

The coordination team and the scientific head thank all partners for their commitment to the project and preparation for the review.

Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 24/09/2019 - 20:31; autor zmian: Jarosław Miszczak (

IITiS is a coordinator of Horizon 2020 project " SerIoT - Secure and Safe Internet of Things " ( The scientific head of the project is prof. Erol Gelenbe from IITiS.

The project has just passed the review of the state of the project after half of its duration (Month 18). The review was held at the hospitable Tecnalia premises near Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, on the 12th of September. Representatives of all 15 partners in the consortium met with the reviewers and the project officer. The review was preceded by three days of technical preparations.

During the review the advancements of all work packages were presented. In addition to approximately 10 slide presentations, 6 live demonstrations were presented, showing the progress of each work package in connection with the Use Cases of the Seriot project.
While waiting for a written review, we can state that the comments of the reviewers presented during the meeting are of a technical and organisational nature. They are valuable, and their inclusion will allow us to raise the level of the project itself and more effectively present its results. However, none of the comments concerned the project objectives, methods and algorithms used and the implementation of key components of the SerIoT system. That is why we are already happy with our success and are starting the second phase of the SerIoT project with new motivation.

The coordination team and the scientific head thank all partners for their commitment to the project and preparation for the review.