Michał Gorawski, PhD Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0953-9593Position: assistant professorResearch groups Internet of Things Group Horizontal TabsPublications Biblio RSS 2024 1. Gorawski, M., R. Marjasz, and K. Grochla, "Performance evaluation of the secure multi-tenancy system for smart city IoT environment using open LDAP and Apache Kafka.", 22nd International Industrial Simulation Conference, Valencia, Spain, EUROSIS-ETI, 06/2024. 2. Cholewa, M., M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, K. Kołodziej, M. Gorawski, J. Koral, W. Koral, A. Madej, and K. Musioł, "‘Just One More Sensor is Enough’ – Iterative Water Leak Localization with Physical Simulation and a Small Number of Pressure Sensors", IEEE Sensors Journal, 06/2024. 3. Gorawski, M., R. Marjasz, K. Grochla, and A. Frankiewicz, "Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumption in Simulated LoRa Water Meter Reconfiguration vs. Real-world Readings", IFIP Networking, Thessaloniki, IEEE, 08/2024. 2023 4. Nowak, S., K. Grochla, M. Słabicki, and M. Gorawski, "Efficient Universal Indoor Multicharacteristic Propagation model for indoor environments", 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Marrakesh, Morocco, IEEE, pp. 1052-1058, 07/2023. 5. Gorawski, M., K. Pasterak, A. Gorawska, and M. Gorawski, "The stream data warehouse: Page replacement algorithms and quality of service metrics", Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023. 6. Gorawski, M., and K. Połys, "Localization of mobile nodes in graphs using the True-range multilateration with node sorting (TriSort) approach in an indoor environment", 24th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications - HPCC-2022, Hainan, China, IEEE, 03/2023. 2021 7. Gorawski, M., K. Grochla, R. Marjasz, and A. Frankiewicz, "Energy Minimization Algorithm for Estimation of Clock Skew and Reception Window Selection in Wireless Networks", Sensors, vol. 21, 01/2021. 2020 8. Gorawski, M., and K. Grochla, "Performance Tests of Smart City IoT Data Repositories for Universal Linear Infrastructure Data and Graph Databases", SN Computer Science, vol. 1, pp. 31, 2020. 2019 9. Gorawski, M., and K. Grochla, ""Graph Representation of Linear Infrastructure in Smart City IoT Systems", 11th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT) , Dublin, Ireland, IEEE, 10.2019. 10. Połys, K., K. Grochla, M. Gorawski, and A. Frankiewicz, "Accuracy of UWB Location Tracking Devices When on the Move", International Conference on Computer Networks, vol. International Conference on Computer Networks: Springer, pp. 233-241, 06/2019. 2018 11. Połys, K., K. Grochla, and M. Gorawski, "LTE Load Balancing with Tx Power Adjustment and the Real Life Mobility Model", Computer Networks: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 2017 12. Gorawski, M., "Load Balancing and Processing Data From Internet of Things Smart Devices", Studia Informatica, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 5-18, 2017. 2015 13. Gorawski, M., M. Skrzewsk, M. Gorawski, and A. Gorawska, "Neural networks in petrol station objects calibration", International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: Springer International Publishing, pp. 714-723, 2015. 14. Gorawski, M., K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "Variability of LTE Signal in Indoor Environment", Internet in the Information Society, X Scientific Conference, 2015. 15. Grochla, K., M. Gorawski, and K. Połys, "Comparison of Measurements and Simulation Model of Indoor Signal Level Variation in LTE Networks", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, ICST, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium, ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), 2015. 16. Foremski, P., M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "Energy-Efficient Crowdsensing of Human Mobility and Signal Levels in Cellular Networks", Sensors, vol. 15, no. 9, 9, 2015. 2014 17. Foremski, P., M. Gorawski, and K. Grochla, "Source Model of TCP Traffic in LTE Networks", Information Sciences and Systems 2014, 2014. 18. Barcelo-Arroyo, F., M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, I. Martín-Escalona, K. Połys, A. G. Ribeiro, R. Sofia, and E. Zola, "New Trends in Mobility Modelling and Handover Prediction", Wireless Networking for Moving Objects: Springer, pp. 88–114, 2014. 19. Gorawski, M., and K. Grochla, "Review of mobility models for performance evaluation of wireless networks", Advance in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 242, pp. 567–577, 2014. 2013 20. Gorawski, M., P. Marks, and M. Gorawski, "Modeling Data Stream Intensity in Distributed Stream Processing System, Computer Networks", Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume, pp. 372–383, 2013. 21. Gorawski, M., D. Lis, and M. Gorawski, "The use of a Cloud Computing and the CUDA architecture in zero-latency Data Warehouses Computer Networks", Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 312–322, 2013. 22. Gorawski, M., and K. Grochla, The Real-Life Mobility Model: RLMM, 2013. 23. Gorawski, M., M. Gorawski, and S. Dyduch, "Use of grammars and machine learning in ETL systems that control load balancing process", 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. HPCC 2013, pp. 1709–1714, 2013. 24. Gorawski, M., "Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Discovery, Big Data and High Performance Computing", Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2013. Projectsiitis employee projects: 1. Polish Research Infrastructure Network for AI Assisted Science (FENG.02.04-IP.04-0019/24, 2025 - 2029) 2. Advanced Design and Production of Hybrid Filter Choke Cores for High-Speed Motors Operating at Higher Frequencies Using Numerical Analysis and Innovative Process Improvement Technologies (FENG.01.01-IP.01-002/23, 2024 - 2027) (POIR.01.01.01-00-2612/20, 2021 - 2023) (POIR.01.01.01-00-1414/20, 2021 - 2023) 5. HybridMeshMeet: development of a hybrid system for neighborhood relation detection based on mesh network for MILES industry. (POIR.01.01.01-00-1261/19, 2020 - 2022) 6. Dynamic wireless framework for Smart City IoT infrastructure (POIR.04.01.04-00-00005/17, 2018 - 2021) 7. Optimization and load balancing in next generation wireless networks (LIDER/10/194/L-3/11/, 2013 - 2015)