Bim-Based Risk Identification System in tunnel construction

TitleBim-Based Risk Identification System in tunnel construction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsZhang L, Wu X, Ding L, Skibniewski MJ, Lu Y
JournalJournal of Civil Engineering and Management

AbstractThis paper presents an innovative approach of integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM) and expert systems to address deficiencies in traditional safety risk identification process in tunnel construction. A BIM-based Risk Identification Expert System (B-RIES) composed of three main built-in subsystems: BIM extraction, knowledge base management, and risk identification subsystems, is proposed. The engineering parameter information related to risk factors is first extracted from BIM of a specific project where the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard plays a bridge role between the BIM data and tunnel construction safety risks. An integrated knowledge base, consisting of fact base, rule base and case base, is then established to systematize the fragmented explicit and tacit knowledge. Finally, a hybrid inference approach, with case-based reasoning and rule-based reasoning combined, is developed to improve the flexibility and comprehensiveness of the system reasoning capacity. B-RIES is used to overcome low-efficiency in traditional information extraction, reduce the dependence on domain experts, and facilitate knowledge sharing and communication among dispersed clients and domain experts. The identification of a safety hazard regarding the water gushing in one metro station of China is presented in a case study. The results demonstrate the feasibility of B-RIES and its application effectiveness.


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