Krzysztof Grochla, DSc Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6221-4790Strona WWW: www.grochla.netPosition: Institute ProfessorResearch groups Internet of Things Group Horizontal TabsPublications Biblio RSS 2014 76. Grochla, K., and K. Połys, "Simplied model of wireless network throughput changes resulting from client mobility", Proceedings of SIMUTools 2014, 2014. 77. Nowak, S., M. Nowak, and K. Grochla, "Properties of advanced metering infrastructure networks' topologies", 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), May, 2014. 78. Słabicki, M., and K. Grochla, "The automatic configuration of transmit power in LTE networks based on throughput estimation", 2014 IEEE 33rd International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC): IEEE, 2014. 2013 79. Gorawski, M., and K. Grochla, The Real-Life Mobility Model: RLMM, 2013. 80. Grochla, K., and K. Połys, "Influence of the Handoff Threshold Hysteresis on Heterogeneous Wireless Network Performance", Proceedings of 7th International Working Conference HET-NETs, 2013. 2012 81. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, A. Józefiok, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "Performance Evaluation of a Multiuser Interactive Networking System: A Comparison of Modelling Methods", Computer and Information Sciences II: Springer, pp. 215–222, 2012. 82. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "Duration of boot-up storm period", 17th Polish teletraffic symposium: IITiS PAN, pp. 145–150, 12, 2012. 83. Grochla, K., "Simulation analysis of a virtualization system performance in Boot Up Scenario", International Conference on Networking and Future Internet, pp. 21–24, 2012. 2011 84. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, A. Józefiok, and T. Nycz, "Simulation, Markov Chain and Diffusion Approximation Models – a Case Study", “Computer Science & Information Technologies” (CSIT’2011), 2011. 85. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, A. Józefiok, and T. Nycz, "Porównanie metod analizy efektywności na przykładzie serwera aplikacji w sieci lokalnej", Studia Informatica, vol. 32, no. 3A, pp. 7–20, 2011. 86. Grochla, K., T. Czachórski, and J. Klamka, "Numerical Model of Tcp in 802.16 Networks Using Fluid Flow Approximation", First International Conference on Networking and Future Internet 2011 (ICNFI 2011), 2011. 87. Klamka, J., T. Czachórski, and K. Grochla, "Modelling TCP Connection in WIMAX Network Using Fluid Flow Approximation.", Applications and the Internet: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 502–507, 2011. 88. Nowak, M., S. Nowak, P. Pecka, and K. Grochla, "Content Identification in PI CAN Network", Computer Networks: Springer, pp. 164–172, 2011. 2010 89. Józefiok, A., T. Czachórski, and K. Grochla, "Performance evaluation of multiuser interactive networking system", Proceedings of 6th International Conference HET-NETs 2010, Gliwice, Bałtycka 5, IITiS PAN, pp. 223–231, 2010. 90. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "Modeling the IEEE 802.11 Networks MAC Layer Using Diffusion Approximation", Proceeding of HET-NETs 2010, Gliwice, Bałtycka 5, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 429–442, 1, 2010. 91. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "A diffusion approximation model for wireless networks based on IEEE 802.11 standard, Computer Communication Journal", Computer Communication Journal, vol. 33, no. S1, pp. S86–S92, 2010. 2009 92. Grochla, K., and A. Sochan, "Adaptive Streaming of Stereographic Video", Computer Networks – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, vol. 39, pp. 87–94, 4, 2009. 93. Nowak, S., J. Domańska, and K. Grochla, Symulator zdarzeń dyskretnych OMNeT++v.3.3: WSB, 2009. 2008 94. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, and F. Pekergin, "Un modele d’approximation de diffusion pour la distribution du temps d’acheminement des paquets dans les réseaux de senseurs", Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles, 2008. 95. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, and F. Pekergin, "Estimation of packet transfer time at sensor networks, diffusion approximation approach", Proceedings from HET-NETs, 2008. 96. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, and F. Pekergin, "TCP performance for a wireless traffic, a diffusion approxiation model", Proceedings from Workshop on Wireless and mobility in Future Generation Internet, 2, 2008. 97. Grochla, K., "Simulation Comparison of Active Queue Management Algorithms in TCP/IP Networks", Journal of Telecommunication Systems, vol. 39, no. 2-3, 2008. 98. Grochla, K., A. Sochan, and P. Głomb, "Transmission of scalable video streams", Proceedings from the 4th Euro-NGI Workshop on New trends in network architectures and services, 4, 2008. 2007 99. Busic, A., T. Czachórski, J. M. Fourneau, and K. Grochla, "Level Crossing Ordering of Markov Chains: Proving Convergence and Bounding End to End Delays in an All Optical Network", ACM Proceedings from Valuetools 2007: ACM, 2007. 100. Brachman, A., T. Czachórski, and K. Grochla, "Analiza wydajności protokołu TCP-NCR w sieciach bezprzewodowych", Materiały Konferencji Sieci Komputerowe: Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności, 6, 2007. Pages« pierwsza‹ poprzednia…345następna ›ostatnia »