
Found 26 results
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Marek D, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Szyguła J.  2021.  Combined diffusion approximation - simulation model of AQM’s transient behaviour. Computer Communications. 166 (3.58 MB)
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Marek D, Czachórski T.  2021.  Diffusion Analysis Improves Scalability of IoTNetworks to Mitigate the Massive Access Problem. 2021 Mascots: 29th International Symposium on the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.  (1.99 MB)
Marek D, Domański A, Domańska J, Szyguła J, Czachórski T, Klamka J.  2021.  Diffusion model of a non-integer order PIγ controller with TCP/UDP streams. Entropy. 23
Szyguła J, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Marek D.  2021.  The IoT Gateway with Active Queue Management. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS). 31(1)
Szyguła J, Domański A, Domańska J, Marek D, Filus K, Mendla S.  2021.  Supervised learning of Neural Networks for Active Queue Management in the Internet. Sensors. 21(15)(Special Issue "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis in Sensors Networks")
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2021.  Time-Dependent Performance of a Multi-Hop Software Defined Network. Applied Sciences. 11(2469) (1.25 MB)
Szyguła J, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Marek D, Klamka J.  2020.   AQM mechanism with neuron tuning parameters. 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Phuket, Thailand.
Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Szyguła J, Marek D.  2020.  Diffusion Approximation Model of TCP NewReno Congestion Control Mechanism. SN Computer Science. (1:43)
Filus K, Domański A, Domańska J, Marek D, Szyguła J.  2020.  Long-Range Dependent Traffic Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Hurst Exponent Analysis. Entropy. 22(10)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Marek D.  2020.  Software Defined Network Dynamics via Diffusions. 28th International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS 2020, revised delected papers. 12527 (447.84 KB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban G, Marek D.  2020.  Time Dependent Diffusion Model for Security Driven Software Defined Networks. Second International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2020). 2792:38-56. (2.06 MB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2020.  Time Dependent Diffusion Model for Security Driven Software Defined Networks. The Second International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2020). 2792:pp.38-56. (2.29 MB)
Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Kuaban GSuila, Marek D.  2020.  Transient Behaviour of a Network Router. 43th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing.  (712.6 KB)
Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Marek D, Szyguła J.  2018.  GPU Accelerated Non-integer Order PI^αD^β Controller Used as AQM Mechanism. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 860:286-299.
