Advances in Computing and Network Communications

TytułAdvances in Computing and Network Communications
Publication TypeBook
Rok publikacji2020
AutorzyThampi SM, Gelenbe E, Atiquzzaman M, Chaudhary V, Li K-C

The Fourth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’20) provided a forum for sharing original research outcomes and practical development experiences among experts in the emerging areas of computing and communications. The conference was organized by Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai, India. Due to the recent pandemic situation, the conference was conducted as a virtual event during October 14–17, 2020. The material was presented in a program that consisted of keynote talks, technical sessions, lightning talks, tutorials, symposiums, parallel sessions, workshops and hot off the press. CoCoNet’20 convened a well-tailored and handpicked collection of eminent speakers from renowned universities and industries in and outside India. The array of speakers included Dr. Ian T. Foster, Dr. Arumugam Nallanathan, Dr. Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Dr. Vipin Chaudhary, Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamy and Dr. Ljiljana Trajkovic. The conference received 181 submissions this year, out of which 98 papers (58 regular papers and 40 short papers) had been accepted. The papers were subjected to a rigorous review process that examined the significance, novelty and technical quality of the submission. The papers were presented in different sessions, namely the best paper sessions, regular paper sessions and short paper sessions. The proceedings of the conference is organized into two volumes. This volume is comprised of 51 papers, and the topical sections include Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Data Analytics and Networked Systems and Security. The success of the conference depends ultimately on the numerous people who have worked with us to plan and organize both the technical program and local arrangements. In particular, the wise advice and brilliant ideas of the program chairs, workshop and symposium chairs and industry track chairs in the organization of the technical program are gratefully appreciated. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the organizing committee and advisory committee members. The accomplishment of the motives of the conference is powered by the tireless efforts of many individuals. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the TPC chairs, TPC members and additional reviewers who shared their technical expertise and assisted us in reviewing all the submitted papers. We would like to thank the general chairs, organizing committee members, steering committee, keynote speakers, session chairs and the conference attendees. We are thankful to all the authors for choosing this conference as a venue for presenting their research works. We express our wholehearted appreciation to the contributions of all those who apportioned their valuable time for the success of CoCoNet’20. We are grateful to Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai, for organizing the conference. Recognition should go to the local organizing committee members who all have worked extremely hard for the details of important aspects of the conference programs. We appreciate the contributions of all the faculty and staff of VIT and the student volunteers who have selflessly contributed their time to make this virtual conference successful. We would like to express our gratitude to Senior Editor of Springer Nature, Aninda Bose, for his help and cooperation. We sincerely hope that CoCoNet’20 turned out to be a forum for excellent discussions that enabled new ideas to come about, promoting collaborative research. We are confident that the proceedings will serve as a momentous source of research references and knowledge, which will lead not only to the scientific and engineering findings but also to the development of new products and technologies.


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Data aktualizacji: 20/05/2021 - 15:33; autor zmian: Erol Gelenbe (