A Diffusion Model for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes

TytułA Diffusion Model for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Rok publikacji2016
AutorzyAbdelrahman OH, Gelenbe E
Conference Name24th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS)
Conference LocationImperial Coll Campus, London, England
ISBN Number978-1-5090-3432-1
Słowa kluczoweAnalytical models, Data models, Energy harvesting, Energy states, Fokker Planck equation, Mathematical model, Sensors, Wireless communication, Wireless sensor networks

Energy harvesting has recently attracted much interest due to the emergence of the Internet of Things, and the increasing need to operate wireless sensing devices in challenging environments without much human intervention and maintenance. This paper presents a novel approach for modeling the performance of an energy harvesting wireless sensor node, which takes into account fluctuations in the amount of energy extracted from the environment, energy loss due to battery leakage, as well as the energy cost of sensing, data processing and communication. The proposed approach departs from the common queueing-theoretic framework used in the literature, and instead uses Brownian motion to represent more accurately the time evolution of the distribution of the node's battery level. The paper derives some performance measures of interest along with the stationary solution of the system, and discusses possible directions for reducing the number of parameters and states of the model without compromising accuracy.


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 14/04/2017 - 08:54; autor zmian: Erol Gelenbe (seg@iitis.pl)