
Found 1490 results
Skabek K, Kowalski P.  2017.  The Accuracy of a Scene Geometry Based on the Terrestrial Laser Scanner Measurements. Man-Machine Interactions 5. 1:408-417.
Wojewódka-Ściążko H, Brandão FGSL, Grudka A, Horodecki K, Horodecki M, Horodecki P, Pawłowski M, Ramanathan R, Stankiewicz M.  2017.  Amplifying the randomness of weak sources correlated with devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 63(11)
Nowak S, Nowak M, Grochla K, Pecka P.  2017.  Application of Fault-Tolerant GQP Algorithm in Multihop AMI Networks. Computer Networks. CN 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 718. :70-80.
Zhou C, Ding LY, Skibniewski MJ, Luo HB, Jiang SN.  2017.  Characterizing time series of near-miss accidents in metro construction via complex network theory. Safety Science. 98:145-158.
Du J., Gelenbe E, Jiang C., Zhang H., Ren Y..  2017.  Contract Design for Traffic Offloading and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 35:2457-2467.
Du J, Gelenbe E, Jiang C, Zhang H, Han Z, Ren Y.  2017.  Data Transaction Modeling in Mobile Networks: Contract Mechanism and Performance Analysis. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference.
Serrano W., Gelenbe E.  2017.  The Deep Learning Random Neural Network with a Management Cluster. 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017).
Gelenbe E, Yin Y.  2017.  Deep Learning with Dense Random Neural Networks. International Conference on Man–Machine Interactions.
Gardas B, Dziarmaga J, Zurek W.  2017.  Dynamics of the quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model: Excitations and correlations induced by a quench. Phys. Rev. B. 95:104306. (902.74 KB)
Kwaśniewicz E, Kurzyk D.  2017.  Entanglement of 0 p-, 1 s 0 d-and 1 p 0 f-shell nucleon pairs. International Journal of Modern Physics E. 26(05)
Skabek K, Kowalski P.  2017.  Evaluation of the Quality of Photogrammetric Techniques for Site Reconstruction.. Studia Informatica. 38(4(133))
Fourneau J, Gelenbe E.  2017.  G-networks with Adders. Future Internet. 9(3):1-7.
Domańska J, Domański A, Czachórski T.  2017.  Hidden Markov Models in Long Range Dependence Traffic Modelling. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 700:75-86.
Yuan J.F, Zheng X.D, You J, Skibniewski MJ.  2017.  Identifying Critical Factors Influencing the Rents of Public Rental Housing Delivery by PPPs: The Case of Nanjing. Sustainability. 9(3):1-22.
Zhang L, Ding L, Wu X, Skibniewski MJ.  2017.  An improved Dempster–Shafer approach to construction safety risk perception. Knowledge-Based Systems. 132:30-46.
Grochla K, Nowak M, Pecka P, Nowak S.  2017.  Influence of message-oriented middleware on performance of network management system: a modelling study.. Multimedia and Network Information Systems. . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 506:379-393.
Serrano W., Gelenbe E.  2017.  Intelligent search with deep learning clusters. Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2017.
Gorawski M.  2017.  Load Balancing and Processing Data From Internet of Things Smart Devices. Studia Informatica. 38:5-18.
