
Found 1561 results
Gorawski M, Skrzewsk M, Gorawski M, Gorawska A.  2015.  Neural networks in petrol station objects calibration. International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. :714-723.
Komorowski D, Tkacz E.  2015.  A new method for attenuation of respiration artifacts in electrogastrographic (EGG) signals. 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).  (697.82 KB)
[Anonim].  2015.  Optical determination of hemp fiber structures by statistical methods.
Blachowicz T, Ehrmann A, Zghidi H, Domino K.  2015.  Optical determination of hemp fiber structures by statistical methods. Proceedings of Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference.
Słabicki M, Grochla K.  2015.  Performance evaluation of snmp, netconf and cwmp management protocols in wireless network. Electronics, Communications and Networks IV: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNET IV), Beijing, China, 12–15 December 2014.
Wu XG, Lu Q, Zhang L, Skibniewski MJ, Wang YH.  2015.  Prospective safety performance evaluation on construction sites. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 78:58-72.
Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2015.  Quantum control robust with respect to coupling with an external environment. Quantum Information Processing. 14:437–446.
Ostaszewski M, Sadowski P, Gawron P.  2015.  Quantum image classification using principal component analysis. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 27(1)
Sadowski P.  2015.  Quantum search with prior knowledge. arXiv.
Dunkl CF, Gawron P, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z, Życzkowski K.  2015.  Real numerical shadow and generalized B-splines. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 479:12–51.
Gardas B, Deffner S.  2015.  Thermodynamic universality of quantum Carnot engines. Phys. Rev. E. 92:042126. (557.62 KB)
Domino K, Błachowicz T.  2015.  The use of copula functions for modeling the risk of investment in shares traded on world stock exchanges. Physica A. 424:142–151.
Gorawski M, Grochla K, Połys K.  2015.  Variability of LTE Signal in Indoor Environment. Internet in the Information Society, X Scientific Conference.
Foremski P, Callegari C., Pagano M..  2015.  Waterfall traffic identification: optimizing classification cascades. Computer Networks. :1–10.
Gawron P, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z, Szklarski J, Życzkowski K.  2015.  Wybory samorządowe 2014 w poszukiwaniu anomalii statystycznych. Electoral Studies. 30:534–545.
Tarnawski M, Tomaka A A.  2014.  Acquisition of mandible movement with a 3D scanner. Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :63–67.
Tkacz E, Provaznik I, Kostka P.  2014.  Application of Advanced Spectral Analysis for Rehabilitation Progress Estimation Concerning Patients after Ischemic Brain Stroke. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. 4:82. (1.02 MB)
Gawron P, Sadowski P.  2014.  Approximation of separable numerical range using simulated annealing. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 26:151–160.
Pojda D, Kowalski P.  2014.  Assumptions for a software tool to support the diagnosis of the stomatognathic system: data gathering, visualizing compund models and their motion. Novel Methodology of Both diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :51–56.
Słabicki M, Grochla K.  2014.  The automatic configuration of transmit power in LTE networks based on throughput estimation. 2014 IEEE 33rd International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC).
Zhang L., Wu X., Skibniewski MJ, Zhong J., Lu Y..  2014.  Bayesian-network-based safety risk analysis in construction project. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 131:29–39.
Kostka P., Tkacz E.  2014.  Bruxism episodes detection based on hybrid biomedical signal processing methods. Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :25–28.
Skabek K, Tomaka A A.  2014.  Comparison of photgrammetric techniques for surface reconstruction from images to reconstruction from laser scanning. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 26:161–178.
Rudnicki Ł., Puchała Z, Horodecki P, Życzkowski K.  2014.  Constructive entanglement test from triangle inequality. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 47:424035.
Walczyńska-Dragon K., Baron S., Nitecka-Buchta A., Tkacz E.  2014.  Correlation between TMD and Cervical Spine Pain and Mobility: Is the Whole Body Balance TMJ Related? BioMed Research International. 2014:7pages. (3.05 MB)
