Found 1561 results
Neural networks in petrol station objects calibration. International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. :714-723.
2015. A new method for attenuation of respiration artifacts in electrogastrographic (EGG) signals. 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). (697.82 KB)
2015. .
2015. Optical determination of hemp fiber structures by statistical methods. Proceedings of Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference.
2015. Performance evaluation of snmp, netconf and cwmp management protocols in wireless network. Electronics, Communications and Networks IV: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNET IV), Beijing, China, 12–15 December 2014.
2015. Prospective safety performance evaluation on construction sites. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 78:58-72.
2015. Quantum control robust with respect to coupling with an external environment. Quantum Information Processing. 14:437–446.
2015. Quantum image classification using principal component analysis. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 27(1)
2015. .
2015. Real numerical shadow and generalized B-splines. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 479:12–51.
2015. Thermodynamic universality of quantum Carnot engines. Phys. Rev. E. 92:042126. (557.62 KB)
2015. The use of copula functions for modeling the risk of investment in shares traded on world stock exchanges. Physica A. 424:142–151.
2015. Variability of LTE Signal in Indoor Environment. Internet in the Information Society, X Scientific Conference.
2015. Waterfall traffic identification: optimizing classification cascades. Computer Networks. :1–10.
2015. Wybory samorządowe 2014 w poszukiwaniu anomalii statystycznych. Electoral Studies. 30:534–545.
2015. Acquisition of mandible movement with a 3D scanner. Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :63–67.
2014. Application of Advanced Spectral Analysis for Rehabilitation Progress Estimation Concerning Patients after Ischemic Brain Stroke. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. 4:82. (1.02 MB)
2014. Approximation of separable numerical range using simulated annealing. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 26:151–160.
2014. Assumptions for a software tool to support the diagnosis of the stomatognathic system: data gathering, visualizing compund models and their motion. Novel Methodology of Both diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :51–56.
2014. The automatic configuration of transmit power in LTE networks based on throughput estimation. 2014 IEEE 33rd International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC).
2014. Bayesian-network-based safety risk analysis in construction project. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 131:29–39.
2014. Bruxism episodes detection based on hybrid biomedical signal processing methods. Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :25–28.
2014. Comparison of photgrammetric techniques for surface reconstruction from images to reconstruction from laser scanning. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 26:161–178.
2014. Constructive entanglement test from triangle inequality. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 47:424035.
2014. Correlation between TMD and Cervical Spine Pain and Mobility: Is the Whole Body Balance TMJ Related? BioMed Research International. 2014:7pages. (3.05 MB)