
Found 1561 results
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Zhang L., Wu X., Chen Q., Skibniewski MJ, Hsu S.-C..  2014.  Towards a safety management approach for adjacent buildings in tunneling environments: Case study in China. Building and Environment. 75:222–235.
Czachórski T, Nycz T., Nycz M., Pekergin F.  2014.  Traffic Engineering: Erlang and Engset Models Revisited with Diffusion Approximation. Information Sciences and Systems 2014. :249–256.
Domino K, Błachowicz T.  2014.  The use of copula functions for modeling the risk of investment in shares traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Physica A. 413:77–85.
Domino K, Błachowicz T, Ciupak M.  2014.  The use of copula functions for predictive analysis of correlations between extreme storm tides. Physica A. 413:489–497.
Kowalski P, Pojda D.  2014.  Visualization of heterogenic images of 3D scene. Man-Machine Interacions 3. :291–297.
Foremski P, Callegari C., Pagano M..  2014.  Waterfall: Rapid identification of IP flows using cascade classification. Communications in Computer and Information Science.
Skibniewski MJ, Tserng H.-P., Ju S.-H., Feng C.-W., Lin C.-T., Han J.-Y., Weng K.-W., Hsu S.-C..  2014.  Web-based real time bridge scour monitoring system for disaster management.. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. 9:17–25.
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Tomaka A A.  2013.  Analiza obrazów wielomodalnych dla potrzeb nieinwazyjnej diagnostyki ortodontycznej.
Domański A, Domańska J, Klamka J.  2013.  Analysis of CHOKe-Family Active Queue Management. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:49–66.
Winiarczyk R, Gawron P, Miszczak J, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2013.  Analysis of patent activity in the field of quantum information processing. International Journal of Quantum Information. 11:1350007.
Czachórski T, Nycz M., Nycz T., Pekergin F.  2013.  Analytical and numerical means to model transient states in computer networks. Computer Networks. :426–435.
Cholewa M, Głomb P, Opozda S, Romaszewski M, Sochan A, Kosiedowski M., Kuśmierek E., Bęben A., Krawiec P., Stroiński A..  2013.  Aplikacje Sieci Świadomej Treści. Inżynieria Internetu przyszłości część 2.
Tkacz E, Budzianowski Z, Provaznik I, Oleksy W.  2013.  The Application of Higher Order Spectra for Analysis of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Signals Acquired from Patients after Ischemic Brain Stroke. Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. 51:R–74. (299.08 KB)
Strack B., Jacobs K.M., Cios KJ.  2013.  Biological restraint on the Izhikevich neuron model Essential for seizure modeling. Proceedings. :395–398.
Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T.  2013.  Comparison of CHOKe and gCHOKe active queues managemant algirithms with the use of fluid flow approximation.. Computer Networks. :363–371.
Romaszewski M, Gawron P, Opozda S.  2013.  Compression of animated 3D models using HO-SVD. arXiv:1310.1240.
Pawela Ł, Sładkowski J.  2013.  Cooperative quantum Parrondo's games. Physica D. 256:51–57.
Cholewa M.  2013.  Czołowe funkcje kuliste jako baza do aproksymacji sygnałów o ograniczonym paśmie.
Zhang L., Wu X., Ding L., Skibniewski MJ.  2013.  Decision support analysis for safety assurance in metro construction base on Fuzzy Bayesian Networks. Proceedings of the Creacive Construction 2013. :896–909.
Foremski P.  2013.  On different ways to classify Internet traffic: a short review of selected publications. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:119–136.
Romaszewski M, Gawron P, Opozda S.  2013.  Dimensionality Reduction of Dynamic Mesh Animations Using HO-SVD. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research. 3:277–289.
Miszczak J.  2013.  Employing online quantum random number generators for generating truly random quantum states in Mathematica. Comput. Phys. Commun.. 184:127–128.
