Found 1561 results
Comparative Analysis of the Vibrational Response of Different Main Rotor Blades of a Homemade Helicopter . European Journal of Applied Sciences. 10(4) (1.68 MB)
2022. .
2022. Constructing games on networks for controlling the inequalities in the capital distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 594
2022. Controllability of linear convex combination of linear discrete-time fractional systems. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences. 70
2022. Cost-Effective Filtering of Unreliable Proximity Detection Results Based on BLE RSSI and IMU Readings Using Smartphones. Scientific Reports. 12(1)
2022. Design of a Gabor Filter-Based Image Denoising Hardware Model. Electronics. 11
2022. Discovering spatial-temporal patterns via complex networks in investigating COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Sustainable Cities and Society. 77
2022. Dynamic Automatic Forecaster Selection via Artificial Neural Network Based Emulation to Enable Massive Access for the Internet of Things. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA). (1.36 MB)
2022. A Dynamic Model for Identifying Enemy Collective Behaviour. 11th ICCRTS Coalition Command and Control in the Networked Era. (879.53 KB)
2022. EEG based alcoholism detection by oscillatory modes decomposition second order difference plots and machine learning.. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 42
2022. Effect of ion and binding site on the conformation of chosen glycosaminoglycans at the albumin surface. Entropy 2022, 24, 811..
2022. An Efficient Computer Vision-Based Method for Estimation of Dynamic Displacements in Spatial Truss Structures. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring.
2022. An Efficient Deep Learning Approach for Colon Cancer Detection. Applied Sciences. 12
2022. Encoding classical information into quantum resources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 68(7)
2022. Energy, QoS and Security Aware Edge Services. International ISCIS Security Workshop.
2022. Energy, QoS and Security Aware Edge Services. EuroCybersec 2021. (3.06 MB)
2022. Energy-Aware Algorithm for Assignment of Relays in LPWAN. Transactions on Sensor Networks. 18(4)
2022. Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training in E-Learning Environments. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP). (1.2 MB)
2022. Error mitigation for variational quantum algorithms through mid-circuit measurements. Physical Review A. 105
2022. Exponential ergodicity in the bounded-Lipschitz distance for some piecewise-deterministic Markov processes with random switching between flows. Nonlinear Analysis. 213
2022. Finding the best hardware configuration for 2D SLAM in indoor environments via simulation based on Google Cartographer. Scientific Reports. 12
2022. The forecast of the AGV battery discharging via the machine learning methods. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
2022. General concepts of a simulation method for automated guided vehicle in Industry 4.0. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
2022. G-Networks Can Detect Different Types of Cyberattacks. 2022 Mascots: 30th International Symposium on the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems. (1.51 MB)