
Found 1563 results
Marek D, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Szyguła J.  2021.  Combined diffusion approximation - simulation model of AQM’s transient behaviour. Computer Communications. 166 (3.58 MB)
Nakip M, Çopur O, Güzeliş C.  2021.  Comparative Study of Forecasting Models for COVID-19 Outbreak in Turkey. ASYU2021 .  (1.17 MB)
Książek W, Gandor M, Plawiak P.  2021.  Comparison of various approaches to combine logistic regression with genetic algorithms in survival prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma. Elsevier, Computers in Biology and Medicine. 134 (4.14 MB)
Khoso ARaza, Yusof AMd, Chen Z-S, Skibniewski MJ, Chin K-S, Khahro SHussain, Sohu S.  2021.  Comprehensive analysis of state-of-the-art contractor selection models in construction environment-A critical review and future call. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
Byrski A, Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Grochla K, Murayama Y.  2021.  Computer Science Protecting Human Society Against Epidemics. ANTICOVID 2021. 616:125.
Salehi Ö, Seskir Z, Tepe İ.  2021.  A Computer Science-Oriented Approach to Introduce Quantum Computing to a New Audience. IEEE Transactions on Education.
Ghodsollahee I, Davarzani Z, Zomorodi M, Plawiak P, Houshmand M, Houshmand M.  2021.  Connectivity matrix model of quantum circuits and its application to distributed quantum circuit optimization. Springer, Quantum Information Processing. 20 (2.21 MB)
Klamka J.  2021.  Controllability of Fractional Linear Systems with Delays. 25th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics.  (3.44 MB)
Klamka J.  2021.  Controllability of Fractional Linear Systems with Delays in Control. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. :307-330. (201.29 KB)
Kaczorek T, Klamka J.  2021.  Convex linear combination of the controllability pairs for linear systems. Control and Cybernetics. 50(4) (108.05 KB)
Klamka J, Kaczorek T.  2021.  Convex linear combination of the controllability pairs for linear systems. Control and Cybernetics. 50 (108.05 KB)
Li N, Hu X, Ngai E, Gelenbe E.  2021.  Cooperative Wireless Edges with Composite Resource Allocation in Hierarchical Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HEALTHCOM).  (343.95 KB)
Romaszewski M, Głomb P, Sochan A, Cholewa M.  2021.  A dataset for evaluating blood detection in hyperspectral images. Forensic Science International. 320
Puchała Z, Korzekwa K, Salazar R, Horodecki P, Życzkowski K.  2021.  Dephasing superchannels. Physical Review A. 104
Hidalgo C, Vaca M, Nowak M, Frölich P, Reed M, Al-Naday M, Mpatziakas A, Protogerou A, Drosou A, Tzovaras D.  2021.  Detection, control and mitigation system for secure vehicular communication. Vehicular Communications.  (3.54 MB)
Wierzbiński M, Plawiak P, Hammad M, U Acharya R.  2021.  Development of accurate classification of heavenly bodies using novel machine learning techniques. Springer, Soft Computing. 25(2021)
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Marek D, Czachórski T.  2021.  Diffusion Analysis Improves Scalability of IoTNetworks to Mitigate the Massive Access Problem. 2021 Mascots: 29th International Symposium on the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.  (1.99 MB)
Marek D, Domański A, Domańska J, Szyguła J, Czachórski T, Klamka J.  2021.  Diffusion model of a non-integer order PIγ controller with TCP/UDP streams. Entropy. 23
Nycz T, Czachórski T, Nycz M.  2021.  Diffusion Model of Preemptive-Resume Priority Systems and Its Application to Performance Evaluation of SDN Switches.. Sensors. 21(5042) (1.32 MB)
Pan Y, Zhang L, Yan Z, Lwin MO, Skibniewski MJ.  2021.  Discovering optimal strategies for mitigating COVID-19 spread using machine learning: Experience from Asia. Sustainable cities and society. 75
Saylam A, Kelesoglu N, Cikmazel ROrhan, Nakip M, Rodoplu V.  2021.  Dynamic Positioning Interval Based On Reciprocal Forecasting Error (DPI-RFE) Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Mobile IoT Indoor Positioning. International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS).  (364.76 KB)
Cong X, Ma L, Wang L, Šaparauskas J, Górecki J, Skibniewski MJ.  2021.  The early warning system for determining the “not in My Back Yard” of heavy pollution projects based on public perception. Journal of Cleaner Production. 282
Filus K, Boryszko P, Domańska J, Siavvas M, Gelenbe E.  2021.  Efficient Feature Selection for Static Analysis Vulnerability Prediction. Sensors. 21 (4)(Special Issue: Security and Privacy in Software Based Critical Contexts) (1.37 MB)
Nakip M, Karakayali K, Güzeliş C, Rodoplu V.  2021.  An End-to-End Trainable Feature Selection-Forecasting Architecture Targeted at the Internet of Things. IEEE Access.  (4.36 MB)
Gorawski M, Grochla K, Marjasz R, Frankiewicz A.  2021.  Energy Minimization Algorithm for Estimation of Clock Skew and Reception Window Selection in Wireless Networks. Sensors. 21
