Found 1561 results
Approximation of quantum control correction scheme using deep neural networks. Quantum Information Processing. 18
2019. The AQM Dropping Packet Probability Function Based on Non-integer Order PI^αD^β Controller. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 496:36-48.
2019. AQM Mechanism with the Dropping Packet Function Based on the Answer of Several PIα Controllers. Communications in Computer and Information Science . 1039
2019. An Architectural Framework Proposal for IoT Driven Agriculture. International Conference on Computer Networks.
2019. An Architectural Framework Proposal for IoT Driven Agriculture. Computer Network 2019.
2019. Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures Using Emerging Data Sources. 2019 ITS America Annual Meeting.
2019. Band selection with Higher Order Multivariate Cumulants for small target detection in hyperspectral images. PP-RAI'2019. :p.121.
2019. Cognitive Packet Networks for the Secure Internet of Things. Global IoT Summit (GIoTS).
2019. Cognitive Routing for Improvement of IoT Security. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing ICFC.
2019. Combining association rules mining with complex networks to monitor coupled risks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 186
2019. Combining association rules mining with complex networks to monitor coupled risks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 186
2019. .
2019. Computational multivariate modeling of electrical activity of the porcine uterus during spontaneous and hormone-induced estrus. Experimental Physiology. 104(3)
2019. Construction automation and robotics for high-rise buildings over the past decades: A comprehensive review. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 42:100989.
2019. Data Exfiltration Techniques and Data Loss Prevention System. 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT).
2019. Diffusion approximation as a tool in computer networks performance evaluation, invited talk, The 9th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2019, October 18-21, 2019 Kitakyushu City, Japan. (889.8 KB)
2019. Diffusion Approximation Models for Cloud Computations with Task Migrations. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC).
2019. Discrete and generalized phase space techniques in critical quantum spin chains. Physics Letters A. 383
2019. Disorder-assisted graph coloring on quantum annealers. Phys. Rev. A. 100 (745.68 KB)
2019. Distinguishing classically indistinguishable states and channels. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 52:475303.
2019. DNS Observatory: The Big Picture of the DNS. ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2019.
2019. DNS Observatory: The Big Picture of the DNS. ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2019.
2019. Double Auction Mechanism Design for Video Caching in Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications. 18:1669–1683.
2019. Dynamic Occlusion Surface Estimation from 4D Multimodal Data. Information Technology in Biomedicine. ITIB 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. vol 1011
2019. The dynamics of the stomatognathic system from 4D multimodal data. In A.Gadomski (ed.): Multiscale Locomotion: Its Active-Matter Addressing Physical Principles.