Found 1561 results
Towards Robust Cloud Detection in Satellite Images Using U-Nets. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS.
2021. Transferability of a Machine Learning-Based Model of Hourly Traffic Volume Estimation—Florida and New Hampshire Case Study. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2021
2021. Transmission Quality Classification with Use of Fusion of Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in Pay&Require Multi-Agent Managed Network. MDPI, Sensors. 21 (503.51 KB)
2021. Tripartite entanglement in a Laguerre–Gaussian rotational-cavity system with an yttrium iron garnet sphere. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 38
2021. .
2021. Upperbounds on the probability of finding marked connected components using quantum walks. Quantum Information Processing. 20
2021. Water Behvaior Near the Lipid Bilayer. Gadomski A. (eds) Water in Biomechanical and Related Systems. Biologically-Inspired Systems. 17:107-130.
2021. Wireless Sensor Network-Based Monitoring of Bridge Pile Foundations for Detecting Scouring Depth. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 29
2021. .
2021. .
Analysis of AFM images of Nanofibre Mats for Automated Processing. Tekstilec. 63(2)
2020. Anomaly detection in hyperspectral remote sensing images. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Theory & Applications.
2020. ANT: Deadline-aware adaptive emergency navigation strategy for dynamic hazardous ship evacuation with wireless sensor networks. IEEE ACCESS.
2020. AQM mechanism with neuron tuning parameters. 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Phuket, Thailand.
2020. Assessment of Terrorism Risk to Critical Infrastructures: The Case of a Power-Supply Substation. Applied Sciences. 10:7162.
2020. Association between work-related features and coronary artery disease: A heterogeneous hybrid feature selection integrated with balancing approach. Elsevier, Pattern Recognition Letters. 133:33-40. (913.08 KB)
2020. Auction-Based Data Transaction in Mobile Networks: Data Allocation Design and Performance Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 19(5) (432.73 KB)
2020. .
2020. Bid evaluation in civil construction under uncertainty: A two-stage LSP-ELECTRE III-based approach. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 94:103835.
2020. BIM-enabled construction innovation through collaboration: a mixed-methods systematic review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
2020. Blood Stain Classification with Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Neural Networks. Sensors. 20(Recent Advances in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Analysis)
2020. Changes of Conformation in Albumin Protein with Temperature. Entropy. 405(22(4))
2020. Clustering of designers based on building information modeling event logs. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 35(7)
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