
Found 36 results
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Nakip M, Gül BCan, Gelenbe E.  2024.  Decentralized Online Federated G-Network Learning for Lightweight Intrusion Detection. Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation On Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS).  (1.06 MB)
Nakip M, Kelesoglu N, Güzeliş C.  2024.  Fire Detection and Risk Assessment via Support Vector Regression with Flattening-Samples Based Augmented Regularization. Applied Soft Computing. 164
Bulucu P, Nakip M, Güzeliş C.  2024.  Multi-Sensor E-Nose based on Online Transfer Learning Trend Predictive Neural Network. IEEE Access.  (3.93 MB)
Nakip M, Gelenbe E.  2024.  Online Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 19 (6.97 MB)
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Siavvas M.  2024.  System-wide vulnerability of multi-component software. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 196
Nakip M, Gelenbe E.  2022.  Botnet Attack Detection with Incremental Online Learning. EuroCybersec 2021.
Nakip M, Çakan E, Rodoplu V, Güzeliş C.  2022.  Dynamic Automatic Forecaster Selection via Artificial Neural Network Based Emulation to Enable Massive Access for the Internet of Things. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA).  (1.36 MB)
Çopur O, Nakip M, Scardapane S, Slowack J.  2022.  Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training in E-Learning Environments. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP).  (1.2 MB)
Gelenbe E, Nakip M.  2022.  G-Networks Can Detect Different Types of Cyberattacks. 2022 Mascots: 30th International Symposium on the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.  (1.51 MB)
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Czachórski T.  2022.  Improving Massive Access to IoT Gateways. Performance Evaluation.
Siavvas M, Gelenbe E, Tsoukalas D, Kalouptsoglou I, Mathioudaki M, Nakip M, Kehagias D, Tzovaras D.  2022.  The IoTAC Software Security-by-Design Platform: Concept, Challenges, and Preliminary Overview. 18th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN).  (1.33 MB)
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Marek D, Czachórski T.  2022.  Mitigating the Massive Access Problem in the Internet of Things. EuroCybersec.
Nakip M, Helva A, Güzeliş C, Rodoplu V.  2022.  MOSAL: A Subspace Based Forecasting Algorithm for Throughput Maximization in IoT Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal.
Dayı AKerem, Rodoplu V, Nakip M, Pehlivan B, Güzeliş C.  2022.  Multi-Channel Subset Iteration with Minimal Loss in Available Capacity (MC-SIMLAC) Algorithm for Joint Forecasting-Scheduling in the Internet of Things. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA). 13(2)
Nakip M, Gül BCan, Rodoplu V, Güzeliş C.  2022.  Predictability of Internet of Things Traffic at the Medium Access Control Layer Against Information-Theoretic Bounds. IEEE Access. 10
Gelenbe E, Nakip M.  2022.  Traffic Based Sequential Learning During Botnet Attacks to Identify Compromised IoT Devices. IEEE Access. 10 (1.74 MB)
